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  • Writer's pictureBarry Shirley

How do you choose the right career?

Updated: Apr 28, 2019

When people are nearing the end of their school days they need to think about their career choice. Even those who are currently working may feel that they are in the wrong career and would like to change. The question is “what career can I do that will make me happy?” This can be quite a vexing question and can be very difficult to answer. Of course there are career counsellors available and they can help guide people in the right direction. Sometimes it is difficult for even these trained and qualified counsellor’s to help when a person is really unsure about what they want to do.

Before you can confidently choose your right career direction and be happy in it you need to examine a number of factors. The first is to learn about you! Question yourself about your interests, what makes you happy, what aptitude for certain roles you may have and do some research. It is very important that you do a complete self-assessment. Prepare a list of likely occupations that may appeal to you. What qualifications do you need? Talk to people that may be in your possible career. Research on the Internet and follow links that may lead you to careers you may not have even thought of.

In many cases people will still choose the wrong occupation/career choice. This is not the end of the world because you can always change careers. In a person’s career lifetime they may have several career changes. Sometimes the answers are not always at a conscious level. A qualified and competent clinical hypnotherapist can be of great assistance. When things like anxiety about career choices and a feeling of uncertainty exist, the hypnotherapist can help you explore at the subconscious level what your true interests, aptitudes and feelings are. Many hypnotherapists are also qualified counsellors and this skill can greatly assist you, especially hypnotherapists who have extensive business experience.

Other issues such as self-esteem, self-confidence and a positive attitude can be greatly improved with the use of hypnosis. In one case study a person who was in line for a senior public service role was sidestepped a number of times due to their inability to appear confident in the interview process. This person came to see me and we worked on their confidence and to develop a very positive opinion of themselves. When it came to the interviews she greatly impressed the interview panel. When the telephone call came asking her to accept the very senior role she was delighted. We had cleared out all her self-doubts and with the use of hypnotherapy allowed her to visualise accepting the role which in this case came true. Hypnosis is a very powerful tool that can help you in your career.

The first step is to choose a registered clinical hypnotherapist that is endorsed by the Hypnotherapy Council of Australia. You can be assured that the hypnotherapist will have met all the strict requirements of this peak body.

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